sâmbătă, 29 noiembrie 2008


Nu vreau sa fiu amabil, nu vreau sa iti zambesc
E plin de oameni cumsecade si de escroci decenti
Moralisti perfecti, zambetu-i pretext
Aparentele inseala, viata e doar un test
Nu mai bea, nu mai fuma, nu injura, nu riposta
Nu mai da din cap atunci cand se aude muzica
Morala e aceeasi o stii...
Fa-o pan' la capat, maine nu sti ce va fi.

De ce sa plang atunci cand pot sa rad ?
De ce sa mint atunci cand pot sa uit ?
Decat sarac si bolnav, mai bine bogat si sanatos
Dar exersez zi de zi mersul pe jos
Soarele rasare... pentru fiecare...
Pentru fiecare jumatate... e o alta jumatate...
Toata lumea are parte, se imparte, se desparte
Viata-i ca o doamna cu moravuri lasate deoparte...
Zambeste-ï nu sta deoparte.

miercuri, 26 noiembrie 2008

if i were a boy...

But you’re just a boy
You don’t understand
Yeah you don’t understand
How it feels to love a girl someday
You wish you were a better man
You don’t listen to her
You don’t care how it hurts
Until you lose the one you wanted
Cause you’ve taken her for granted
And everythïng you have got destroyed
But you’re just a boy...

duminică, 23 noiembrie 2008

Baby please, you don't have to explain the reasons
This is me, I know your mind can change like the seasons
Go your way, I know the world is calling your name boy
It's okay, cuz what we got it ain't gonna change boy

There ain't nobody who can ever understand like I do (I do)
So when you realise you need the one you said goodbye to (bye to)
Look over your shoulder boy and you know who be there

You know I'm gonna be right there (right there)

When your friends start to trip
And your loosin your grip
And u can't find your way back home
When your world falls apart
And you're lost in the dark
And you know that your all alone
When you just can deal, and you need something real
Someone that'll always come through
Who ya gonna run to?
Who ya gonna run to?

sâmbătă, 22 noiembrie 2008

algun dia....

encontrarme en tu mirada y sentirme enamorada.
era menos fragil junto a ti
pero todo era mentira, te marchaste de mi vida
y me perdi, y me perdi

si revivo tu recuerdo
me hace dańo si te pienso
estoy triste, pero estoy de pie

aun que me hayas olvidado
se que tarde o mas temprano, vas a entender
cuanto te ame

algun dia sin pernsarlo
me vas a extrańar despacio
algun dia en la mańana, sentiras que te hago falta
en tu interior, vas a sentir amor
nadie sabe lo que tiene hasta que al final lo pierde

cada vez que vuelvo a verte, no lo miedo aun me duele
pero se que un dia estare bien

aun que me hayas olvidado
se que tarde o mas temprano, vas a entender
cuanto te ame

joi, 13 noiembrie 2008

am plecat pe acest drum fara sa ma gandesc
ca poate fi ultima data cand pe pamant pasesc
mi`am dorit libertate si am primit inapoi
multe palme date ,haos si gunoi
nu mai suport, privesc tot dar in schimb nu pot sa iau nimic
aud doar voci susotind, defapt ei nu spun nimic
si cand vreau sa vorbesc, nu inteleg ce le zic,
acum e timpul sa le explic umpic
vorbesc de acei oameni ce nu stiu, pe unde s`o ia
cuprinsi de panica si problmele, isi iau viata
si nu mai pot incerca ,nu vor sa schimbe ceva
isi iau ramas bun in gand ,si pleaca noaptea
vorbesc de`atunci cand ni s`a promis... libertatea
acum ne trezim ca imbratisam singuratatea
sistemul ne trage in jos in timp ce asteapta partea
iar noi nu facem nimic ...si ne asteptam moartea

marți, 11 noiembrie 2008

if i were a boy....8-|

If I were a boy
I think I could understand
How it feels to love a girl
I swear I’d be a better man.
I’d listen to her
Cause I know how it hurts
When you lose the one you wanted
Cause he’s taken you for granted
And everything you had got destroyed.....

But you’re just a boy
You don’t understand
Yeah you don’t understand
How it feels to love a girl someday
You wish you were a better man
You don’t listen to her
You don’t care how it hurts
Until you lose the one you wanted
Cause you’ve taken her for granted
And everythïng you have got destroyed
But you’re just a boy

duminică, 2 noiembrie 2008

...vorbe care dor....

o noua zi
tu n-ai sa stii
privesc spre cer
si-ntreb de ce
n-au nici un rost
iar ma indrept spre nicaieri....

sâmbătă, 1 noiembrie 2008

Until u love u.....

you know sometime when u see your self
just see your self
someone not good enough
and though there's times when you feel like
you can't do nothing right
and then security takes ahold
obscures your vision of your soul
you can't see what's inside
open up your eyes

take a look in the mirror
you're beautiful
take a moment to love

the one you are
learn to accept yourself
'cause this that's true
you can't love nobody else until u love u

I know sometime its so hard to keep
up your self esteem
sometime u can feel so small
and its so easy to tell yourself
you're not worth much at all
when you aren't sure of who you are
now it's tearing you apart
you can't see what is true
change your point of view

find what is real is what's inside yo
know there's no one else in this world like you
take maybe just a little time
to start and see
just who you really are