the voice within...
now in a world were inocence is quickly claimed,
It's so hard to stand your ground when your so afraid,
never reach out a hand for you to hold,
when your lost outside just look inside to your soul,
When there's no one else,
Look inside your self and like your oldest friend,
just trust the voice within,
then you'll find the strength,
that will guide the way and you will just learn to begin,
to trust the voice within ...
Ma scufund incet sub ape
Simturile mi se ascund dincolo de ploape
Ating cu varfurile degetelor oglinda apei
Visul asta este usa din pragul nebuniei
Nu uita de unde ai plecat, nu e un loc pe harta
Mai bine zis, tu nu te uita pe tine cum ereai odata
Intr'un ocean de probleme si griji indiferenta e o barca
Trag, dau drumul, inspir, expir
Retraiesc visele de cand eream copil
Nu tineam nimic in mine, aveam ochii plansi
Multa ura se aduna acum in pumnii stransi
E din ce in ce mai greu sa tin capul pe pod
Intre prezent si trecut timpul pare a fi mort
Ma scufund incet sub ape
O mana de copil ma trage in sus
Se salveaza de la moarte......
Stii si tu ca ne vantura vantul dupa cum vrea
Uneori nu simt pamantul sub talpa mea
Si'atunci mi-aduc aminte
C'am invatat sa simt fara cuvinte
When they push, when they pull Tell me can you hold on When they say you should change Can you lift your head high and stay strong Will you give up, give in When your heart's crying out "that is wrong" Will you love you for you at the end of it all Now in life there's gonna be times When you're feeling low And in your mind insecurities seem to take control We start to look outside ourselves For acceptance and approval We keep forgetting that the one thing we should know is Don't be scared To fly alone Find a path that is your own Love will open every door See in your hands the world is yours Don't hold back and always know All the answers you will unfold What are you waiting for Spread your wings and soar The boy who wonders, is he good enough for them Keep trying to please them all But he just never seems to fit in Then there's the girl who thinks she'll never ever be Good enough for him He's trying to change and That's a game she'll never win In life there will be times when you're feeling low And in your mind insecurities seem to take control We start to look outside ourselves For acceptance and approval We keep forgetting that one thing we should know is Don't be scared To fly alone Find a path that is your own Love will open every door See in your hands the world is yours Don't hold back and always know All the answers they will unfold What are you waiting for Spread your wings and soar In the mirror is where she comes Face to face with her fears Her reflection looked forward on to her After all these years However how she's tried to be Something besides herself Now time has passed and she's ended up Somewhere else with regret What is it is that makes us feel the need To keep pretending Gotta let ourselves be Don't be scared To fly alone Find a path that is your own Love will open every door See in your hands the world is yours Don't hold back and always know All the answers you will unfold Don't wait no more Spread your wings and soar Find your road Love will open every door See in your hands the world is yours Don't look back in the window, you'll find your way Always know all the answers will unfold Oh don't wait Spread your wings and soar Don't wait no more You've got to soar Spread your wings and soar Don't wait no more No don't you wait no more Spread your wings and soar You've can soar So what you waiting for Don't wait, Don't waït Soar
life is a journey, it can take you anywhere you choose to go, as long as your learning, you'll find all you'll ever need to know, you'll break it, you'll make it, just don't go forsake it because, no one can stop you, you know that i'm talking to you......
Oh no, ready for it here we go We got the whole block rocking in stereo We're taking control letting everybody know And if you feel it let me hear everybody go.....
Armed and dangerous bitch Ya'll cant really hang with us in this Everyone's so afarid of us/ shit Makes me wanna hang it up and quit Forget aboit all the things you heard before 'Bout time that we're kicking down your door Everybody's gonna hit the fucking floor Like " please Mike dont hurt me anymore" I dont gotta have a secret lie or an alibi everybody knows why I'm here I'd just as soon crazk a bottle As crack you over the head with a bottle a bear So just listen up there powder puff Better believe that I'm not playing You can love it you can hate But dont mistake it everboy's saying

Only this (moment) Holds us (together) Close to (perfection) Nothing else (out there) No one to (guide us) Lost in the (senses) Deep down inside I know our love will die
Lifes A Game An We Need 2 Play It Correct, Do The Right Moves An Dont Get Caught Up In Ldza Mess, Be Calm Dont Be Stressed, Be Sure To Pass Ya Test, Stand Ur Ground An Dont Let Others Put You To The Test Stay With Me Dont Fall Asleep Too Soon, The Angels Can Waït For A Moment